This user account status is Approved
Select those items that provide you with (Happiness - Pleasure)
Food, Drink, Social, Friends, Shopping
Food, Drink, Social, Friends, Shopping, Faith, Nature
I will be able to play the piano with practice
I will never be able to get a decent job, I am not very good and anything
Tutor to record whether the student has met objectives: Mindset, Happiness and Affirmations
Bravery - You act with mental, moral, or physical strength even when you know things are difficult or scary., Creativity -You come up with new and original ways to think about and do things., Fairness - You believe that all people have value. You approach situations with an unbiased mindset and treat everyone with respect., Humility - You do not seek the spotlight. You let your actions speak for themselves., Humor - You like to laugh and bring smiles to other people., Kindness - You are generous to others and you are never too busy to help out. You enjoy doing good deeds for other people., Love - You value close relationships with others and being close to people., Perseverance - You complete what you start despite obstacles. You never give up., Social Intelligence - You are aware of other people’s thoughts and feelings. You understand why they do things., Teamwork - You work well as a member of a group or team. You are loyal and sacrifice your individual desires for the greater good.